- Install python library:
pip install igibson
- Clone the igibson repository into a folder, such as "projects":
mkdir projects
cd projects
git clone git@github.com:RIVeR-Lab/iGibson.git --recursive
cd iGibson
git checkout mobiman-devel-v0
pip install -e .
- Clone the igibson repo into the src folder of a catkin workspace, such as "catkin_ws":
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
ln -s ~/projects/iGibson/igibson/examples/ros/igibson-ros/ .
cd ..
- Install ROS dependencies:
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
- Build and source:
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
- Download assets:
6.1 Download the robot models and some small objects as in iGibson's documentation.
python -m igibson.utils.assets_utils --download_assets
6.2 Clone the sim_utility repository into a folder.
git clone git@github.com:RIVeR-Lab/sim_utility.git
6.3 Copy the jackal_jaco and ycb folders into "iGibson/igibson/data/assets/models" folder.
In a terminal, within igibson-ros workspace:
- Start ROS and simulation in iGibson:
roslaunch igibson-ros turtlebot_rgbd_multi.launch
Example 2: Multi-Turtlebot training, in iGibson simulator, using Stable-Baselines3 and observations are published in ROS:
In a seperate terminal, :
- In a terminal within the igibson-ros workspace, start ROS:
roslaunch igibson-ros stable_baselines3_ros_turtlebot_multi.launch
- In a terminal within the scripts folder in the igibson-ros workspace:
2.1 Source the ROS workspace:
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
2.2. Run the script:
# cd igibson/examples/ros/igibson-ros/scripts/
python stable_baselines3_ros_turtlebot.py