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Radi Cholakov edited this page Jan 23, 2018 · 2 revisions

The ProgressBar component displays the loading processes in your ReactJS app. It's supported by all newer browsers.

The component by default looks like this:

You can also customize it to look even better:
RSGProgressBar checkered

It can be achieved with the following code:

import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import { RSGProgressBar } from 'rsg-components'

  <RSGProgressBar id='string' progressCount={number}>

In version 3.0.0-beta.1 and later RSG is removed from the components so you have to use only ProgressBar instead of RSGProgressBar

RSGProgrssBar uses styles for the anim-mode from external less files, that's why "id" is required. In that mode the component must have not children, instead you can set display text in the anim-mode function.


To make RSGProgressBar animation you have to use external "anim" function. It can be loaded in the body section of your web app.

<script src='node_modules/rsg-components/less/progress_anim.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  // example for simple RSGProgressBar animation
  anim("Please wait ...", "ready", 100, 500, "#ProgressBarId");


anim(txt1, txt2, progressCount, speed, selector)
  • txt1 is the text before the progress status (count);

  • txt2 is the text after the progress status (count);

  • progressCount is the progress status (count);

  • speed is the speed (in milliseconds) of 1 percent of the process loading time

  • selector: the id of your ProgressBar component (including the "#" symbol) - "#your_ProgressBar_id"

Custom props

Prop Type Description
progressCount number How many percent of the displayed process already completed
anim boolean Is the progress bar animated
checkered string/boolean Is the bar checkered or animated

What's next?

Check out this basic HTML/CSS alternative of RSGProgressBar - to understand better how this component works.

The RSGProgressBar will be renewed soon, so it'll be easier to make animations. You can help by contributing or joining us in Slack:

npm install rsg-components --save
yarn add rsg-components

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