This is invoker for ticket events.
- TicketID
TicketNumber => '20101027000001', Title => 'some title', TicketID => 123, State => 'some state', StateID => 123, StateType => 'some state type', Priority => 'some priority', PriorityID => 123, Lock => 'lock', LockID => 123, Queue => 'some queue', QueueID => 123, CustomerID => 'customer_id_123', CustomerUserID => 'customer_user_id_123', Owner => 'some_owner_login', OwnerID => 123, Type => 'some ticket type', TypeID => 123, SLA => 'some sla', SLAID => 123, Service => 'some service', ServiceID => 123, Responsible => 'some_responsible_login', ResponsibleID => 123, Age => 3456, Created => '2010-10-27 20:15:00' CreateBy => 123, Changed => '2010-10-27 20:15:15', ChangeBy => 123, ArchiveFlag => 'y', DynamicField_X => 'value_x',
TicketID => 123, ArticleID => 123, From => 'Some Agent <>', To => 'Some Customer A <>', Cc => 'Some Customer B <>', Bcc => 'Some Customer C <>', ReplyTo => 'Some Customer B <>', Subject => 'some short description', MessageID => '<>', InReplyTo => '<>', References => '<> <>', ContentType => 'text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15', Body => 'the message text', SenderTypeID => 1, SenderType => 'agent', IsVisibleForCustomer => 1, IncomingTime => 1490690026, CreateBy => 1, CreateTime => '2017-03-28 08:33:47', Charset => 'ISO-8859-15', MimeType => 'text/plain',
- TicketID and put it into configurable dynamic field (e.g. JiraIssueID). Check config for invoker
Here you can add pair webserviceID => dynamic field for TicketID(response)