Releases: Raicuparta/nomai-vr
- Fixed empty input prompts after returning to main menu;
- Adjusted title screen menu size and position;
- Disable input while "look" arrow is visible (prevents accidentally skipping dialogue);
- Fixed time staying frozen after conversations;
- Fixed problems with pause screen showing up where it shouldn't, caused by opening SteamVR's dashboard;
Fixed player suddenly being sideways on the ground after an automatically initiated conversation when option to freeze time during conversations is enabled.
Fixed all input prompts just saying "[Click]" for some devices.
Fixed game-breaking input issues caused by some player profiles
- Add option to hide HUD during conversations;
- Improve mod settings with more readable names and new easier to use controls;
- Fixed menu buttons not working correctly when laser not aiming exactly at them;
- Add requireVR to manifest.json (preparing for future OWML update);
Fix mod settings not saving when using in-game menus
- Disable nauseating death animation;
- Show SteamVR input menu instead of game's rebinding menu (can't change bindings in game anyway);
- Resize loop transition snapshots to prevent stretching;
- Prevent showing probe tutorial prompt while not wearing suit;
- Fix invisible sleep UI (again);
- Allow using Right Trigger, Jump button, and Interact button for selecting menus and dialogue options.
Removed SteamVR inputs overlay (was broken af);
Replace button prompt icons with text that actually represents the mappings from the VR system being used (replacement to SteamVR's overlay);
Replace Vive Wand "Menu" mapping with "Map" mapping (there was no map button before, due to Vive Wands just not having enough buttons);
Open pause menu when SteamVR dashboard is opened (this is now the only way to open the pause menu on Vive, unless the user changes the mappings in SteamVR);
Add option for controller-oriented movement;
Fix zooming out on map and computer;
Fixed "Look" arrow some times not disappearing;
Fixed compatibility with Outer Wilds 1.0.7
Versions 1.0.7+ are not supported in this version. Use 0.44+.
- Added text prompts for flashlight and tool grabbing gestures;
- Fixed some UI elements clipping through world objects;
- Fixed regression with invisible credits scene.