Simple script in that click on Clock In
and Clock Out
button inside Woffu. It detects holidays and only execute it when on working days.
You need Python 3.6+ and run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
file and make the following changes:Add your credential, login email and company name.
{ "email": "", "password": "", "companyName": "" }
You need to provide the hours you are supposed to click the annoying button. You need to sign in and then sign out.
{ "times": ["09:00", "18:00"] }
You can add your lunch time to clock out and the minimum and maximum duration of your lunch, it will be randomized every day.
{ "lunch_time": "13:00", "min_time_to_lunch": 30, "max_time_to_lunch": 60 }
If you don't have lunch break, just leave the time empty.
{ "lunch_time": "" }
There is an option to randomize your entry, leave and lunch time to look more human. You just have to set the maximum unpunctuality for your entry and leave, and lunch.
{ "unpunctuality": 10, "lunch_unpunctuality": 30 }
If you have summer time (maybe it doesn't exist in your country) fill it with the times like the regular ones and the starting and ending day without the year like in this example:
{ "summer_times": ["08:00", "15:00"], "summer_period": ["1/8", "31/8"] }
Forget about everything else, it also detects your holidays/PTO and does not clock in.
Execute the following command:
Run as background service without logs:
nohup python3 &
Manually create image and run container:
docker build -t py-woffu-app .
docker run py-woffu-app
Directly by composer:
docker compose up