RashIO - Eczema, Psoriasis & Dermatitis Skin Detection is an Aplication based Android platform providing solutions for the general public that can be used as first aid for symptoms of rash and itching, which can provide predictions for three types of skin diseases, namely Eczema, Psoriasis, and Dermatitis.
- Build a mobile application (Android) that can detect skin diseases based on rashes or redness on the skin.
- Building a system that can identify skin disease
- Provides insight into skin rashes
- Delivering user friendly, and reliable mobile application
- Seamless integration between system components
- Skin disease detection based on rashes or redness
- Skin disease awareness
- First aid for skin diseases
- Detection of skin diseases that do not have a rash or redness
- Drug recommendations for skin diseases
- (ML) M168DSY1828 - Lysa Apriani - Universitas Esa Unggul
- (ML) M168DSX2313 - Dian Fajar Septianto - Universitas Esa Unggul
- (MD) A168DSX2102 - Ichlasul Fikri Astamar Putra - Universitas Esa Unggul
- (MD) A172DSX2098 - Muhammad Ridwan Syah – Universitas Gunadarma
- (CC) C241DSX0809 - Farhan Ramadhan - Universitas Mercu Buana
- (CC) C172DSX3577 - Joel Pangihutan - Universitas Gunadarma