This program is for joining meetings easily with one click without entering any password or id.
The usage is simple just run the python file and it is done. Firstly you need to enter your meetings infos' into the program.
You can access the GUI with -c or --config arguments.
py -c or py --config
After running the command this terrible simple GUI greets you. You can add your meetings from here. It is pretty simple. You can only add meetings. You cannot delete meetings. So think twice before adding a meeting. (You can always delete it from JSON file.)
- Name is the name of the meeting. Can be empty.
- ID and Password are self-explanatory. They are needed.
- Day is 0 to 6. (0 means Monday and 6 means Sunday)
- StartTime is not necessary. The program only checks for endTime.
- Time format is 24H and only numbers. (exp. 1230)
The way program works is firstly it compares the day if they are equal it checks the time and if real time is smaller than meeting time it will open the meeting.
- Calendar like GUI ✔
- Delete meetings via GUI ✔
- Edit meetings via GUI ✔
- Good looking UI
- Conflicting meeting support ✔
- Add non-repetitive meetings ✔
- Support for other meeting apps
- Auto-open