This CRM (Customer Relationship Management) project is designed to efficiently manage customer records and interactions. It provides a user-friendly interface for businesses to maintain essential customer data, track interactions, and foster better relationships with their clients.
User Registration: Seamless user registration process, enabling new users to create accounts with unique usernames and passwords.
Customer Records: Store detailed information about each customer, including name, email address, and contact details.
View Customer Record: View individual customer records with relevant details and interactions history.
Update Customer Record: Edit and update customer information as needed, keeping data accurate and up-to-date.
Delete Customer Record: Remove redundant or outdated customer records when necessary.
Add New Customer: Easily add new customer records to expand the database with potential clients.
Secure Authentication: Robust user authentication and password hashing for enhanced security.
User Logout: Simple logout functionality to ensure user privacy and session management.
Blog Posts: Implement a blog section where users can create, view, and manage blog posts.
View Blog Post: View individual blog posts with full content and author details.
Add New Blog Post: Allow users to add new blog posts to share insights and updates.
Author Profile: Display author profiles with their details and a list of published blog posts.
Follow/Unfollow Functionality: Implement functionality for users to follow and unfollow other users.
Django: A powerful Python web framework used for back-end development.
HTML/CSS: Front-end design and styling to create a user-friendly interface.
Bootstrap: A popular front-end framework for responsive and mobile-friendly design.
PostgreSQL: A robust open-source relational database management system for data storage.
This section contains screenshots and images related to the CRM project.
Dashboard CRM which shows the stats followers, following, blogs, messages, etc, and users list with theire profile images.
sample sheet
User Profile Page (counts of blogs, followers, following), now user can add education detail by clicking on + icon on their profile page
Other User profile Page from where we can follow other users and send messages to them and can see their following and followers count.
This CRM project is actively maintained and open for contributions. We welcome your feedback, bug reports, and feature requests.
Contributions to this project are welcome! To contribute, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository on GitHub.
- Create a new branch with a descriptive name for your feature or bug fix.
- Make your changes and commit them with clear and concise commit messages.
- Push your changes to your fork.
- Submit a pull request, explaining the changes and their purpose.
For any questions, suggestions, or inquiries, feel free to contact us at
Thank you for checking out our CRM project! We hope you find it useful and welcome your contributions to make it even better.