This system is made for tracking plant lab samples, such as a seed inventory, and corresponding plants.
The system is built with django 3.x, and python3
- python3
clone this repo with
git clone --recursive
open a shell, and cd into this directory
remove mysqlclient from requirements.txt
Create a file with contents like the following
export LIMS_SECRET_KEY='asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfaasdfasdf' export LIMS_DEVEL_ACTIVE='IM_REALLY_SURE_THIS_ISNT_PRODUCTION' export LIMS_DEVEL_ADMIN_USERNAME='adminuser' export LIMS_DEVEL_ADMIN_PASSWORD='adminpassword' export LIMS_DEVEL_ADMIN_EMAIL=''
install virtualenv:
pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv env -p $(which python3)
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt