Play the way YOU want
A Call of Duty 4 X plugin that adds new settings, unlocks essential dvars and adds security options
- Using native menus, no flying imgui windows
- Easy to install
- Works on any server regardless of the mod
- Speeds up the game's boot time
- Adds an in-game demo browser/manager
- Fixes red reflections on older maps
- Adds "vm_anim" command
- Adds "LoadZone" command
- Adds "LoadIWD" command
- Adds "ReadProtectedConfig"/"WriteProtectedConfig" commands
- Unlocks cg_fovscale, r_fullbright, r_zfar, r_filmusetweaks, developer_script, cg_gun_*, cg_draw2d, cg_drawgun
- Adds "Additional graphics" menu:
- Fov slider
- Fovscale slider
- Fullbright switch
- Fullscreen switch
- Maxfps selector
- Drawfps selector
- Draw distance selector
- Lod scale skinned
- FSR1 Upscaling
- Film use tweaks toggle
- Gun X, Y, Z sliders
- Gun handedness switch
- Adds "Privacy options" menu:
- Screenshot protection selector
- Block vstr switch
- Disable steam auth
- Adds "CoD4QOL settings" menu:
- Check for updates on startup
- Show external console
- Display loading info
- Play ambient music
- Always load stock menu
- Display main menu branding
- Auto Bunnyhop
- Disable slash commands
- Show red reflection probes
- Invert flashbangs
- Load custom localized resources
To download the pre-compiled binaries you can grab the latest version in the Releases Page
To install it simply download and extract the files from the .zip, then drag n drop the "miles" folder in your Call of Duty 4 root folder and the "qol.ff" file inside zone/<your game language>, and simply run the game, no extra tools needed!
The final folder structure should look like this:
├── ...
├── 📁 Call of Duty 4
│ ├── 📁 miles
| | └── 📜 cod4qol.asi
│ └── 📁 zone
| └── 📁 <your game language>
| └── 📜 qol.ff
└── ...
To uninstall CoD4QOL completely remove the following files from your game directory:
- miles/cod4qol.asi
- zone/<your game language>/qol.ff
- main/xcommon_cod4qol.iwd
- main/protected.cfg
The folder structure looks like this:
├── ...
├── 📁 Call of Duty 4
│ ├── 📁 main
| | ├── 📜 protected.cfg ❌
| | └── 📜 xcommon_cod4qol.iwd ❌
│ ├── 📁 miles
| | └── 📜 cod4qol.asi ❌
│ └── 📁 zone
| └── 📁 <your game language>
| └── 📜 qol.ff ❌
└── ...
Part of the user settings are stored inside config_mp.cfg, if you wish to delete them remove every line that starts with "qol_"
- Does not work in single player
- Does not work with cod4 stock 1.7
If you have any suggestions i encourage you to open a pull request, same goes for issues: do not hesitate to open one if you encounter a problem. For further support you can contact me directly in my personal discord server linked on top of the page or join ManyAsset, a community made entirely for CoD4 Modders.