This repository contains a proof-of-concept implementation of Tornado, a framework for realizing round-trip engineering in DevOps. The various projects hosted here are described in the paper.
You don't need Eclipse to get started, just Maven. However, if you're planning on working with Eclipse, you should install the following plugins:
- M2Eclipse
- Xtext 2.14.0
- Xtend 2.14.0
- Xcore 1.5.0
- Lombok. You only need Lombok to edit the operational framework (i.e., project com.rigiresearch.mart.framework)
You can find a description of each project in its corresponding POM file.
This is a regular Maven project, there are no special profiles. Execute the following command to package the modules in a jar file:
mvn package
If you have any questions about this project or something doesn't work as expected, please submit an issue here.