Management website through which Patients with diseases and room no can be added. Having a dynamic ability to add diseases and rooms.
npm start or node app.js
npm install
It will run under the url
- Username - admin
- Password - admin
- Username - user
- Password - user
- Node JS (Tested on v12.14.0)
- MongooseDB
- MongooseDB Compass ( Optional)
- Pre-requisites or Dependencies ( Defined Below )
- Admin
- Add User
- Allocate Room for patients
- Add Diseases
- Add Rooms
Name | Type | Required | Unique | Encrpyted |
username | String | Yes | Yes | No |
password | String | Yes | No | Yes |
Name | Type | Required | Unique |
name | String | Yes | Yes |
password | Boolean | Yes | No |
Name | Type | Required | Unique |
firstName | String | Yes | Yes |
lastName | String | Yes | No |
dateOfBirth | String | Yes | No |
sex | Boolean | Yes | No |
hospitalNumber | String | Yes | Yes |
diseases | Array | No | No |
score | Number | Yes | No |
room | String | Yes | No |
lastUpdate | Number | Yes | No |
Name | Type | Required | Unique |
name | String | Yes | Yes |
score | Number | Yes | No |
- Express
npm install express
- express-handlebars
npm install express-handlebars
- Path
npm install path
- Serve Favicon
npm install serve-favicon
- Connect Mongo
npm install connect-mongo
- Express-Session
npm install express-session
- Express-validator
npm install express-validator
- Connect Flash
npm install connect-flash
- Cookie Parser
npm install cookie-parser
- Multer
npm install multer
- Morgan
npm install morgan
- Mongoose
npm install mongoose
- Body Parser
npm install body-parser
- Dotenv
npm install dotenv
- Bcrptyjs
npm install bcrptyjs
- Is Valid Date
npm install is-valid-date
- http
npm install http
- Passport
npm install passport
- Passport Local
npm install passport-local
|___ Root
| |--- app.js
| |
| |--- Procfile ( Heroku File )
| |
| |--- .env ( Enviroment File )
| |
| |--- config
| | |--- db.js
| | |--- passport.js
| |
| |--- Dump (Mongoose Dump) (Dump)
| |
| |--- Models
| | |--- diseases.js
| | |--- patient.js
| | |--- rooms.js
| | |--- user.js
| |
| |--- Public
| | |--- favicon.ico
| | |--- css (Static)
| | |--- imgages (Static)
| | |--- fonts (Static)
| | |--- js (Static)
| | |--- script
| | | |--- addpatient.js
| | | |--- dashboard.js
| | | |--- patientPage.js
| | | |--- systemSettings.js
| |
| |--- Routes
| | |--- dashboard.js
| | |--- diseases.js
| | |--- login.js
| | |--- patients.js
| | |--- rooms.js
| | |--- settings.js
| | |--- users.js
| |
| |--- viwes
| | |--- layout
| | | |--- layout.handlebars
| | |
| | |--- addpatient.handlebars
| | |--- dashboard.handlebars
| | |--- login.handlebars
| | |--- patientPage.handlebars
| | |--- systemSettings.handlebars