The repository contains the labs which were a part of the IBM Quantum Challenge Fall 2022. The challenge consisted of 4 labs:
: Introduction to Primitives on Qiskit Runtime. Learnt about Sampler and Estimator to find expectation of Hamiltonians of a Quantum Circuit and sample probability distribution. Focussed on Error Mitigation and working with Noisy low qubit systems (NISQ Era).lab2.ipynb
: Quantum Kernel Learning with Qiskit Runtime. Explored Quantum Support Vector Machine and encoding of training data into Quantum Feature Space to linearly separate training data leading to recognition of simple handwritten digits.lab3-runtime-fix.ipynb
: Optimization with Qiskit Primitives. Approximated the solution of the Traveling Salesman Problem for 4 node graph using Quantum Circuit and optimization to minimize expectation of an unconstrained variant of the loss function using VQE.lab4.ipynb
: Quantum chemistry with Qiskit Primitives. Simulated real-world hard to observe molecules along with their ground state and excited state energies, using custom VQE. Computed Dipole moment of unstable molecule.
It was intense as well as real fun to follow the space exploration storyline and learn tonne of new things in Quantum Computing, with their implementation in Qiskit.