A tool written in python3 to scan for live hosts on a network and scan for open ports.
download and install
git clone https://github.com/Rival420/Spynet.git
cd Spynet/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Should be used like this on default LAN:
python3 Spynet.py -t
I added extra functionality so you have more control over the portscan and it's range/speed
- First_port: -f or --first-port => can be used to specify starting port (default: 1)
- Last_port: -l or --last-port => can be used to specify the last port (default: 1024)
- setting this higher can result in errors, make sure to adapt defaulttimeout with it!
- Default_Timeout: changing this will affect the speed of the script. (default: 0.01)
- verbosity: -v or --verbose => this is mainly for debugging purpose. this will output all ports it's scanned.
Extra: portscan on certain host can be skipped with KeyboardInterrupt (ctrl+C)
Made By Rival23 and Requird
Thanks for help: Comradecereal and X4v1l0k !!