Development of an automated robotic warehouse simulation system that retrieves, classifies and stores materials and products. Some tech areas involved include safety, object and person recognition, object manipulation, robot-robot communication/coordination and robot-human interaction/cooperation.
This project is made using EAIBot Dashgo B1 platform, wich runs with ROS Kinetic.
For more information about project management and standards you can check our wiki.
Before setting up the project, you should have installed the following development tools:
Once you have installed the required third-party software, you can follow this steps:
Clone the project repository on your local machine.
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
Enter /dashgo_ws and install all dependencies using rosdep:
$ rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro=kinetic
To build ROS packages, run inside the /dashgo_ws:
$ catkin_make
Source the code:
$ source devel/setup.bash
And run simulation:
$ roslaunch src/navigation/launch/nav_simul.launch
For mock odometry movement also launch move_base node:
$ roslaunch src/navigation/launch/move_base.launch
Use Ctrl + C
to exit the logs and turn all nodes and application down.
Name | Github | Role | |
Aurora Tijerina | | @AuroTB | PM & navigation |
Iqui Balam | | @IquiBalamHM | Computer vision |
Paul Vazquez | | @paulvazbad | Robot sinchronization and system coordination |
Miguel Elizondo | | @Miguelelizondov | Cobot arm control |
Diego Prado | | @DiegoPrado27 | Electronics and PLC, UR Control |