- Title: Realizzazione di un'applicazione per il controllo, la gestione e l'estrazione dei dati provenienti dai Crypto e Stock Market Exchange
- Demo live preview: https://progettotesi.azurewebsites.net
- ASP.NET Core with MVC and Razor Pages patterns
- .NET 6 with API Gateway and Minimal APIs patterns with System Text JSON usage
- Docker
- Configured NuGet packages for:
- Entity Framework Core and Dapper
- Swashbuckle (Swagger)
- Configured LibMan libraries for:
- Bootstrap 5
- jQuery 3.6
- jQuery Validate
- jQuery Validation Unobtrusive
- FontAwesome
- Configured Program.cs with middlewares and pipelines usage for:
- Kestrel Web Server
- Azure SQL Database
- Azure Functions
- Azure App Service
- Azure Container Registry
- Azure Key Vault