A digital tool box to boost productivity of the academic community.
- Users can login with their email ID and password. Edge cases like email ID and password validation have been handled.
- Users with atleast one dose of vaccination can register with their details. Edge cases like form validation have been handled
- Users can logout
- Faculty users can schedule a class by clicking on add an event
- Event or class can be viewed by clicking on that card from the calendar
- Faculty can cancel classes
- View Profile from top bar
- Edit username through the button
- Students can book a seat and register if there are seats available
- Email notification will be sent to students once their seat is booked
- Do check in the spam folder to verify for email from the application.
- Various edge cases have been handled based on scenario and operational errors.
There are two ways to run the app after cloning the repository.
Before moving on to the below methods, please download the environment variable files from this link and place them as below:
Take the .env file from frontend-env folder and put it in the frontend folder Take the .env file from backend-env folder and put it in the backend folder
Proceed to one of the following methods
Run the following in one terminal
cd backend
npm install
nodemon server.js
and this in another terminal
cd frontend
npm install
npm start
From the root folder, do
npm install
cd frontend
npm install
cd ..
cd backend
npm install
cd ..
npm run dev
Supporting Documents including .env files can be found in this link
Demo Video can be found at this link
- Material UI
- React JS
- Redux
- Axios
- Full Calendar
- Node JS
- Express JS
- Mongoose JS
- Nodemailer
- MongoDB Atlas
- Docker
- GitHub Actions