Class sssignment for visual analytics class at Aarhus University.
This assignment is Class Assignment 3. The task was to use computer vision to extract language-like objects, such as letters and punctuation from the image. To accomplish this task several operations had to be made: drawing region of interest, cropping the image, contouring letters.
The problem of the task relates to detecting letters in an image using computer vision. To address this problem, firstly, I drew a green rectangular box to show a region of interest (ROI) around the main body of text in the middle of the image and saved this as image_with_ROI.jpg. Secondly, using simple slicing with indexing I cropped the original image to create a new image containing only the ROI in the rectangle and saved this as image_cropped.jpg. Thirdly, using this cropped image, I used an OpenCV function cv2.Canny()
to implement Canny edge detection to 'find' every letter in the image, which was a multistep process. The steps were the following: an image conversion into grayscale and application of Gaussian Blur to remove noise, application of non-maximum suppression and hysteresis thresholding. Applying hysteresis thresholding I experimented with two threshold values of cv2.Canny()
: minVal and maxVal, to reduce as much noise as possible while detecting as many letters as possible. The image was saved as image_canny.jpg. Lastly, I drew a green contour around each letter in the cropped image and saved this as image_letters.jpg.
File | Description |
data/ | Folder containing files produced by the scripts |
data/Memorial_IMG.jpg | Input image for the script |
data/image_with_ROI.jpg | Output Image with drawn region of interest |
data/image_cropped.jpg | Output image cropped |
data/image_canny.jpg | Output image with applied canny edge detection algorithm |
data/image_letters.jpg | Output image with contoured letters |
src/ | Folder containing the script |
src/ | The script of this project | | bash file for creating a virtual environmment | | bash file for removing a virtual environment | | Description of the assignment and the instructions |
requirements.txt | list of python packages required to run the script |
For this task only one image in a JPG format was used. Image can be downloaded at the link below:
Code was tested on an HP computer with Windows 10 operating system. It was executed on Jupyter worker02.
#1 Open terminal on worker02 or locally
#2 Navigate to the environment where you want to clone this repository
#3 Clone the repository
$ git clone
#4 Navigate to the newly cloned repo
$ cd cds-visual_analytics_Assignment_3
#5 Create virtual environment with its dependencies and activate it
$ bash
$ source ./classification/bin/activate
Run the code:
#6 Navigate to the directory of the script
$ cd src
#7 Run the code
$ python
#8 To remove the newly created virtual environment
$ bash
I hope it worked!
Detecting letters in an image might seem trivial to us humans due to our visual system running the show behind the scenes. However, it is a tricky task for the computer. This task has proven that it is a challenge to detect each letter in one specific image detecting as little background noise as possible, let alone to automate such a task with many different images. In the output image called image_letters.jpg we can see that the inside contours of letters O and D were not detected. More experimenting with minVal and maxVal values of cv2.Canny
, which determine what is considered to be an edge or non-edge, might be necessary in order to improve the final result. Different preprocessing steps and blurring techniques might be considered as well.