This Python package allows users to easily colour communities of atoms within proteins using the molecular visualization system PyMOL1. These multiscale communities are found by performing computational analysis using Markov Stability on the energy-weighted atomistic graph representation of the protein. For background information on this method of graph partitioning and examples of its use in the unsupervised identification of protein substructures please see 2345 and 678910 respectively.
This package was designed so that results from the packages Bagpype11 and PyGenStability12 can be directly fed in. The package also includes scripts that simplify the process of obtaining these results. An illustration of the intended scheme is shown below:
The official PyPI version of VMC can be installed with
pip install VisualiseMarkovCommunities
Ensure that VMC is installed into PyMOL’s bundled version of Python
To initialise VMC into the current PyMOL session, simply use
import VMC
A grey background indicates that the package has been successfully imported.
To load a protein's structure from its PDB file, simply create a Protein
object by specifying its PDB code and use the built-in method load_PDB()
from VMC import Protein
prot_name = Protein(pdb_code: str)
The name of the Protein
object does not matter. In this tutorial, it is named ADK
due to the PDB code belonging to a conformation of Adenylate Kinase in Aquifex Aeolicus13.
from VMC import Protein
ADK = Protein("2rh5")
If a local PDB file is used, ensure that the PDB file is saved in the relative directory ./PDBs
Otherwise, VMC will raise an error when the specified PDB file cannot be found.
Before atoms communities can be visualised, results must be loaded into the Protein
This is achieved using the method load_results()
prot_name.load_results(matrix_type: str, constructor: str, datetime: str)
The currently-supported inputs for this method are
matrix_type | constructor | datetime |
A (energy-weighted adjacency matrix) |
linearized continuous_combinatorial continuous_normalized |
DDMMYY-hh_mm |
Constructed using Bagpype11 | Chosen within PyGenStability12 | Used to distinguish between multiple results files whose other parameters are identical |
For instance,
ADK.load_results(matrix_type = “A”, constructor = “linearized”, datetime = “040823-19_40”)
Results obtained using the included precomputation scripts are automatically saved in the relative directory ./pygenstability
By default, VMC searches for the results file in this folder when attempting to load results, hence using the included scripts is recommended.
We finally arrive at the crux of the package!
To colour and visualise atoms by their community, simply use the method visualise_A()
The only parameter that has to be specified is the Markov timescale that would like to be visualised. Optional parameters for visualise_A()
are specified in the protein
ADK.visualise_A(scale = 90)
To visualise atom communities at multiple Markov timescales, the method visualise_multi_A()
can be used
ADK.visualise_multi_A(scales = range(20))
If image = True
then snapshots of the atom communities at each Markov timescale are named and saved in .png format within the relative directory ./pymol_images
Snapshots saved in ./pymol_images
can then be compiled into an animation using the method compile()
, which is saved in the relative directory ./pymol_videos
This allows us to visualise how atom communities change as the Markov timescale increases. For instance,
ADK.visualise_multi_A(scales = [0,25,50,75], image = True)
Importantly, the results of Markov Stability analysis can be plotted and viewed without exiting PyMOL using the method plot()
The most robust partitions as found by PyGenStability12 are automatically labelled with their scale number and number of communities.
Currently built-in methods for the Protein
class are:
Method | Function |
load_PDB() |
Loads the structure of the protein into PyMol using its PDB file |
load_results() |
Loads the Markov Stability results into the Protein object |
image() |
Saves a PNG image of the protein into the ./pymol_images/ directory |
compile() |
Compiles the images in the ./pymol_images/ directory into an MP4V video |
plot() |
Plots the Markov Stability results using MatPlotLib |
visualise_A() |
Colour atoms based on their communities at a specific Markov timescale |
visualise_multi_A() |
Colour atoms based on their communities at multiple Markov timescales |
- Ryan Reese, Yaliraki Group, Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London
- GitHub:
- GitHub:
Schrodinger, LLC. The PyMOL Molecular Graphics System, Version 2.0 (2017). ↩
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Delvenne, J.-C., Schaub, M. T., Yaliraki, S. N. & Barahona, M. The stability of a graph partition: A dynamics-based framework for community detection. Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks 2, 221-242 (2013). ↩
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Bacik, K. A., Schaub, M. T., Beguerisse-Díaz, M., Billeh, Y. N. & Barahona, M. Flow-Based Network Analysis of the Caenorhabditis elegans Connectome. PLOS Computational Biology 12, e1005055 (2016). ↩
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