This is currently a work in progress (WIP) of the music generator. As of now, I am still trying to create a MIDI to numpy array convertor.
As this project is currently unfinished, the repository will be a highly changing and active. If you have any solutions to issues that occur within the code, please request a merge request. Thanks!
The MIDI files were extracted from: (Yes, I got permission from the owner of this website, Dave, to modify the MIDI files for my needs).
- Create a MIDI to numpy array convertor
- Create a numpy array to MIDI convertor
- Extract all Data
- Create a Transformer model
- Create generalization of extraction
- Create a GUI for the model
If you are using your own MIDI files, and they are from the internet, they may be corrupted. Luckily, there is a way to fix this by uploading to MuseScore Desktop and re-exporting back. Somehow, this fixes errors in the MIDI files.