This is the code for the paper "Cell Typing and Sub-typing Based on Detecting Characteristic Subspaces of Morphological Features Derived from Neuron Images" under consideration
This python package is used to find the optimal feature subspace. Currently it has been applied in analysis of single neuron morphologies and neuron type classification. algorithm to find the optimal feature subspace an adaptive parameter dbscan algorithm
os copy numpy sklearn scipy matplotlib multiprocessing argparse
python -i input_feature_table -o outputfolder -v True/False
i: csv format table. row: data points column: features selected.
o: target folder you want to put all the results in.
v: visualization of all figures involved in feature screening process. If False, then only final result will be generated. default is True.
- v==True: ScreeningResult Folder containing all figures related in the screening process of features
- FeatureSubspace.npy: statistics for each dimension reduction step, e.g feature deletion order; outlier, number of clusters and scores generated; DBSCAN parameters
- OptimalSubspaceResult.jpg: 3D plot of the final optimal feature subspace
- scoreplot.png: score changes vs. dimension
- clusteringlabel.txt: clustering label result for each data point
- The number of parallel threads can be modified in "", please adjust it according to the machine used