Repository to accompany the Gallia Pontificia online (GPO).
The GPO schema.xsd explains the structure of the regesta encoded in XML. It can serve as a basis for the markup of regesta destined for publication within the GPO.
Gallia Pontificia online. Reims I: Erzbischöfe, edited by Ludwig Falkenstein. Digital edition by Robert Friedrich and Sebastian Gensicke, under the direction of Rolf Große, Paris 2023, DOI: 10.58137/001-2023-0 (CC BY-SA 4.0).
The folder contains a copy of the data available here. The data consists of an XML file with 1162 regesta, a CSV file with the cited manuscripts and a CSV file with the bibliography. In addition to the complete bibliographical information, the two CSVs contain numerous links to digital reproductions. The indices of persons, places and the index of decretals offered by the digital platform can be generated from the 'key' and 'reg' attributes of the corresponding XML tags.