Web Applications (React) for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers - UCF Chapter
- Install Node.js: https://nodejs.org/en/
- Open up either Terminal(Mac) or Command Prompt(Windows) idk anything about linux
- Clone this in your desired folder, change directory to do so. Ex. 'cd Desktop/whateverdirectoryyouwantorjustindesktop'
- Clone this repository by running 'git clone (address of repository)'.
- Once cloned go into project folder 'cd shpeucfapp'
- Run 'npm install'
- On the Terminal/Command Prompt make sure you are inside the project shpeucfwebsite/
- run 'npm start'
- Open your web browser and go to [http://localhost:3000]
- The page should reload if you make any edits in the text and you will see errors in the web browser console
- If git is not a recognized command then download git-cli. https://git-scm.com/downloads
- If 'npm start' causes an error 'react-scripts is not recognized', use 'npm install react-scripts'
- then run 'npm start' again