This is a template with vue,vuetify and django to create beautiful Single Page Applications(SPA). This template is configured with Webpack and npm. Configuring Vue+Vuetify+Webpack with Django was a challenging task and time consuming. This Boilerplate makes the work easy and helps to concentrate not in configuring your project for SPA but to developing it.
Create a virtual environment in your computer and navigate inside the directory. Initialize your project with git by typing the below command in your terminal:
git init
Now add and commit your project:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "initial project version"
Next step is to clone the github repository in your directory by running the command in the terminal
git clone
After cloning the project install all requirements in your virtual environment:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now inside your src directory run these two commands:
$ npm install
$ npm run build
Then paste your unique secret key inside config/ file.
Finally run your Django server:
python runserver
and run it in the browser to see if its working fine: