Welcome to Smart Coasts. This GitHub repository provides a supplement to the OCN 479 Canvas page and in-class activities. In particular, this repo will be used to provide code examples and getting started tips. This repo contains helpful information but it does not replace or supersede the Canvas page or lectures and lab exercises, so continue to check Canvas for important class information and come to class!
In Fall 2022, we will attempt to build a low-cost bio-optical water quality sensor package for citizen/community science applications. Additional sensors and networks may be designed as well, according to student interest, time, and resources. Here are some relevant links:
- Chlorophyll fluorometer, based on design described in In situ Measurements of Phytoplankton Fluorescence Using Low Cost Electronics by Leeuw et al. (2013). https://doi.org/10.3390/s130607872.
- Optical backscattering/turbidimetry, based on a design described in OpenOBS: Open-source, low-cost optical backscatter sensors for water quality and sediment-transport research by Eidam et al. (2022). https://doi.org/10.1002/lom3.10469.
- Additionally, we may try to build low-cost water level sensors, if there is student interest and a novel deployment and/or sensor development idea. See https://github.com/SUPScientist/Seaport_Tide-SLR to get started.
- Low-cost multiparameter water quality instrument with datalogging, following Testing the Waters: A Demonstration of a Novel Water Quality Mapping System for Citizen Science Groups by Compas and Wade (2018). http://doi.org/10.5334/cstp.124.