We are analyzing Walmart's sales data to identify high-performing branches and products, analyze the sales patterns of various products, and understand customer behavior. The primary objective is to enhance and optimize sales strategies. The dataset utilized in this project is sourced from the Kaggle Walmart Sales Forecasting Competition.
The main goal of this project is to gain insights from Walmart's sales data, exploring various factors that influence sales across different branches. This analysis aims to:
- Identify high-performing branches and products.
- Analyze sales patterns and trends.
- Understand customer behavior and preferences.
- Optimize sales strategies based on data-driven insights.
This project's data was obtained from the Kaggle Walmart Sales Forecasting Competition and encompasses sales transactions from three Walmart branches situated in Mandalay, Yangon, and Naypyitaw. The dataset contains 17 columns and 1000 rows with information on sales transactions, including:
- Transaction date
- Product details
- Sales amounts
- Customer information
- Branch details
How many distinct cities are present in the dataset?
SELECT DISTINCT city FROM walmartsales;
In which city is each branch situated?
SELECT DISTINCT city, branch FROM walmartsales;
How many distinct product lines are there in the dataset?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(DISTINCT product_line) AS num_of_products FROM walmartsales;
What is the most common payment method?
SELECT payment_method, COUNT(payment_method) AS common_payment_method FROM walmartsales GROUP BY payment_method ORDER BY common_payment_method DESC;
What is the most selling product line?
SELECT product_line, COUNT(product_line) AS cnt_product_line FROM walmartsales GROUP BY product_line ORDER BY cnt_product_line DESC;
What is the total revenue by month?
SELECT month_name, SUM(total) AS revenue FROM walmartsales GROUP BY month_name ORDER BY revenue DESC;
Which month recorded the highest Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)?
SELECT month_name, SUM(cogs) AS highest_cogs FROM walmartsales GROUP BY month_name ORDER BY highest_cogs DESC LIMIT 1;
Which product line generated the highest revenue?
SELECT product_line, SUM(total) AS total_revenue FROM walmartsales GROUP BY product_line ORDER BY total_revenue DESC LIMIT 1;
Which city has the highest revenue?
SELECT city, SUM(total) AS revenue FROM walmartsales GROUP BY city ORDER BY revenue DESC LIMIT 1;
Which product line incurred the highest VAT?
SELECT product_line, SUM(VAT) AS highest_vat FROM walmartsales GROUP BY product_line ORDER BY highest_vat DESC LIMIT 1;
Retrieve each product line and add a column
, indicating 'Good' or 'Bad,' based on whether its sales are above the average.WITH ProductSales AS ( SELECT product_line, SUM(total) AS total_sales FROM walmartsales GROUP BY product_line ), AverageSales AS ( SELECT AVG(total_sales) AS avg_sales FROM ProductSales ) SELECT product_line, CASE WHEN total_sales > (SELECT avg_sales FROM AverageSales) THEN 'Good' ELSE 'Bad' END AS product_category FROM ProductSales;
Which branch sold more products than the average product sold?
WITH AverageProducts AS ( SELECT AVG(total_quantity) AS avg_quantity FROM ( SELECT SUM(quantity) AS total_quantity FROM walmartsales GROUP BY branch ) AS BranchTotals ) SELECT branch, SUM(quantity) AS total_quantity FROM walmartsales GROUP BY branch HAVING SUM(quantity) > ( SELECT avg_quantity FROM AverageProducts );
What is the most common product line by gender?
SELECT gender, product_line, COUNT(product_line) AS popular_product FROM walmartsales GROUP BY product_line, gender ORDER BY popular_product DESC;
What is the average rating of each product line?
SELECT product_line, AVG(rating) AS avg_rating FROM walmartsales GROUP BY product_line ORDER BY avg_rating DESC;
Number of sales made in each time of the day per weekday.
SELECT time_of_day, day_name, COUNT(invoice_id) AS num_sales FROM walmartsales GROUP BY time_of_day, day_name ORDER BY day_name, time_of_day;
Identify the customer type that generates the highest revenue.
SELECT customer_type, SUM(total) AS revenue_per_customer_type FROM walmartsales GROUP BY customer_type ORDER BY revenue_per_customer_type DESC;
Which city has the largest tax percent/ VAT (Value Added Tax)?
SELECT city, ROUND(AVG(VAT), 2) AS vat_per_city FROM walmartsales GROUP BY city ORDER BY vat_per_city DESC;
Which customer type pays the most VAT?
SELECT customer_type, AVG(VAT) AS vat_customer_type FROM walmartsales GROUP BY customer_type ORDER BY vat_customer_type DESC;
How many unique customer types does the data have?
SELECT DISTINCT customer_type FROM walmartsales;
How many unique payment methods does the data have?
SELECT DISTINCT payment_method FROM walmartsales;
Which is the most common customer type?
SELECT customer_type, COUNT(*) AS cnt_customer_type FROM walmartsales GROUP BY customer_type;
Which customer type buys the most?
SELECT customer_type, SUM(total) AS revenue_per_cust_type FROM walmartsales GROUP BY customer_type ORDER BY revenue_per_cust_type DESC;
What is the gender of most of the customers?
SELECT gender, COUNT(*) AS gender_dist FROM walmartsales GROUP BY gender ORDER BY gender_dist DESC;
What is the gender distribution per branch?
SELECT branch, gender, COUNT(gender) AS gender_dis FROM walmartsales GROUP BY gender, branch ORDER BY branch;
Which time of the day do customers give the most ratings?
SELECT time_of_day, COUNT(rating) AS rat_cnt FROM walmartsales GROUP BY time_of_day ORDER BY rat_cnt DESC;
Which time of the day do customers give the most ratings per branch?
WITH RatingsCount AS ( SELECT time_of_day, branch, COUNT(rating) AS total_ratings FROM walmartsales GROUP BY time_of_day, branch ), RankedRatings AS ( SELECT time_of_day, branch, total_ratings, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY branch ORDER BY total_ratings DESC) AS rn FROM RatingsCount ) SELECT time_of_day, branch, total_ratings FROM RankedRatings WHERE rn = 1;
Which day of the week has the best average ratings?
SELECT day_name, AVG(rating) AS avg_ratings FROM walmartsales GROUP BY day_name ORDER BY avg_ratings DESC;
Which day of the week has the best average ratings per branch?
WITH DailyAvgRatings AS ( SELECT branch, day_name, AVG(rating) AS avg_ratings FROM walmartsales GROUP BY day_name, branch ), RankedDays AS ( SELECT branch, day_name, avg_ratings, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY branch ORDER BY avg_ratings DESC) AS rn FROM DailyAvgRatings ) SELECT branch, day_name, avg_ratings FROM RankedDays WHERE rn = 1;
Calculate total revenue:
SELECT SUM(total) AS total_revenue FROM walmartsales;
Calculate total profit:
SELECT SUM(profit) AS total_profit FROM walmartsales;
Note: For data visualization, we have used PowerBI to visualize sales patterns, revenue trends, and other insights.