This project is a simple example of using Go with SQLC for SQL generation with Migrations, MySQL as the database, and integrating with AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway.
- Go installed on your system (Installation Guide)
- Database migrations (Migration)
- SQLC installed and running (SQLC Installation Guide)
- AWS account with access to Lambda and API Gateway (AWS Free Tier)
SQLC is a tool for generating type-safe Go code from SQL queries. Install it using the following command:
sudo snap install sqlc
- Create a
file in the root directory of your project. - Configure your SQLC settings in this file. You can refer to the SQLC documentation for more information on configuring sqlc.yaml.
- Create a
file in the root directory of your project and write your database schema. - Create a
file in the root directory and write your SQL queries in this file.
- Generate Go code from SQL queries using SQLC:
sqlc generate
curl -L$version/migrate.$os-$arch.tar.gz | tar xvz
- Create a new migration file.
migrate create -ext sql -dir migrations/ -seq <filename>
- Revert migrations down to a specific version.
migrate -path migrations -database "mysql://username:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/databasename" -verbose down <version>
- Migrations up to a specific version.
migrate -path migrations -database "mysql://username:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/databasename" -verbose up <version>
- Force Apply a Specific Migration Version
migrate -path migrations -database "mysql://username:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/databasename" -verbose force <version>
Create an Compiled Binary as the Code
set GOOS=linux
set GOARCH=amd64
go build -o bootstrap main.go
zip -o bootstrap
Go to AWS Lambda Console:
Create a New Function:
- Click on "Create function".
- Choose "Author from scratch".
- Enter a function name of your choice.
- Select "Amazon Linux 2023" as the runtime.
- Configure Function:
- Under "Function code", select "Upload a .zip file".
- Upload the compiled binary file (main) that you created earlier.
- Set the handler to the name of your main function (e.g., main).
- Set Environment Variables (if necessary):
- Configure any necessary environment variables for your Lambda function.
- Create Function:
- Click on "Create function" to create your Lambda function.
Go to API Gateway Console:
Create a New REST API:
- Click on "Build".
- Choose "REST API".
- Choose "New API".
- Enter an API name of your choice.
- Create Resources:
- Click on "Actions" and select "Create Resource".
- Enter a resource name and path (e.g., /).
- Create Method:
- Select the resource you just created.
- Click on "Actions" and select "Create Method".
- Choose the HTTP method you want to use (e.g., POST, GET).
- Select "Lambda Function" as the integration type.
- Choose the Lambda region and enter the Lambda function name.
- Enable "Use Lambda Proxy Integration".
- Deploy API:
- Click on "Actions" and select "Deploy API".
- Choose the stage (e.g., "prod").
- Click "Deploy".