Green Points is a Full Stack Application with google-maps integration.
On the client side, we are using ReactJS On the server side, we are using NodeJs, ExpressJs, MongoDB
Go the .env.example file and change it to .env and add your MONGO_DB_URI
No go over HEROKU and create a new instance
After creating instance, follow the instruction mentioned there and your server will be deployed
cd server/
heroku git:clone -a YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME_HERE
git init
git add .
git commit -m "server upload"
git push heroku master
Now clone the client side and update the SERVER_URL from localhost to deployed heroku link.
BOOM!! Your server side has been deployed successfully.
- Go the .env.example file and change it to .env and add your GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY
- No on the terminal, run
cd client && npm run build
- Head over to and Drag your build folder in order to deploy.
- Move to Site Settings and update the Environment Variables
- BOOM!! Your client side has been deployed successfully