This is a project that builds recommender systems: Classification-based, Model-based Collaborative filtering systems and Content-based recommender systems. At the end I also evaluate which recommender performed the best
- Bank Marketing Data for Classification-based CF:
- MovieLens Data for Model-based CF:
- mtcars Data for Content-based recommender: mtcars dataset source: Henderson and Velleman (1981), Building multiple regression models interactively. Biometrics, 37, 391–411.
1. Classification-based Collaborative Filtering Systems
File: Classification_based_collaborative_filtering.ipynb
- a notebook that demonstrates how calssification-based CF works powered by Logistic Regression classifier
2. Model-Based Collaborative Filtering Systems
File: Model-based collaborative filtering.ipynb
- a notebook that demonstrates how model-based CF works powered by SVD Matrix Factorization
3. Content-Based Recommender Systems
File: Content based recommender systems.ipynb
- a notebook that demonstrates how content based recommender system works powered by Nearest Neighbor Algo