To see the Website:
Server used Apache on XAMPP and MySQL as the database. You can use server of your choice.
Added Frontend!!!
Developed in PHP , a basic Website that handles and stores student as well as company data for which the students can apply as well as the the list of eligible candidates.
Well structured backend but will work on the front-end soon.
Find the code in the PHP-code branch
When campus placements are conducted, information of candidates is provided to the companies visiting the campus. As a lot of information has to be provided like personal details of candidates, CGPA, technical skills, skill sets etc., this could be quite hectic. At times, the candidates find it difficult to know that which companies they are eligible for. Placement management for candidates and companies is a system that provides secure and up to date information of all the candidates to the companies and administration. It is versatile and very easy to use.
Click the link for all the documentation.