this repo is lab assignment submission for ANML (Applied Numerical Methods Lab ) and CML ( Computatuional Methods Lab)
- Assignment 1,2 :basic MATLAB commands
- Assignment 3 : Different plotting methods and different scales
- Assignment 4 : basic file handling
- Assignment 5 : Methods to solve differential equations
- ode45
- ode23s
- dsolve
- fsolve 1D and 2D roots
- plotting ode23 and ode45 roots
- Assignment 6 : basic simulink models
it consists basic numerical methods of computing such as
- Newton Raphson Method
- Runge Kutta method rk2 to solve ode
- Euler method to solve ode
- Polynomial interpolation
- bisection method to find roots
- Numerical integration
- Numerical differentiation
- Linear solver :
- Gauss Elimination method
- Gauss Jordan Method
- Normal Distribution Overview : assignment 3
- final assignment :
- fixed point iteration
- simpson's 1/3rd rule
I tried to find the assignment questions but didn't get them 🙂