Chrome extension for the LootTracker App at
Download the repo at, in the Chrome extension window (chrome://extensions) tick Developer Mode in the upper right-hand corner of the window. Then click "Load unpacked" on the upper left-hand side and navigate to the root directory for LootTrackerExtension and load it into the extensions.
You must login at and keep the page open before using this extension in every new instance of Chrome. The browser extension will only be active on pages with the url pattern of:* or*. Upon loading one of the app pages a button will appear on the page in the box on the right-hand side declaring the playstyles of the game e.g. Singleplayer, Multiplayer.
On click of the button you will be redirected to the app page which will alert you if the game was added successfully and then redirect you to your wishlist page.
Happy hunting and enjoy LootTracker!