A movie and web series streaming website using MERN stack. User can see movies based on different categories. User can add reviews or comments to the movies and also add them to favorites after signing in.
Api used - TMDB API
Live Link - https://sreenwave.netlify.app/
ReactJS(React-Router, Axios, Redux-Toolkit), MUI, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB
Just copy all the files and then create an .env files in server directory. For reference use this .env.example file.
In client directory go to private.client.js file and public.client.js file and change the baseURL to<YourPortNumber>/api/v1/
in line no. 4. Use the port number you used in the .env file from the server directory.
Then run these following commands -
In both directory server and client run these below command to install all the dependencies -
npm i
Then in server directory run these below command to start the backend -
npm start
Then in client directory run these below command to start the frontend
npm run dev