A decentralized crowdfunding system built on BitcoinCash. It is a set of UTXO smart contracts written with CashScript that work together to provide a fundraising experience similar to Kickstarter or Flipstarter.
The system is divided up into 6 contracts:
CashStarterManager: lets users create a new campaignUTXO and sends it to the CashStarter contract.
CashStarter: holds all campaignUTXO's and allows users to pledge to an existing campaignUTXO. Pledgers receive a pledgeNFT that records the campaignID and pledge amount in its commitment.
Refund: combined with a campaignUTXO and a pledgeNFT, allows the pledgeNFT owner to refund their pledge.
Stop: combined with a campaignUTXO, this contract allows * anyone * to cause a campaign to stop accepting pledges after the campaign deadline has been reached.
Cancel: combined with a campaignUTXO, this contract allows the campaign creator to stop accepting pledges even before the campaign deadline has been reached.
Claim: combined with a campaignUTXO, this contract allows the campaign creator to claim the pledged BCH if the campaigns fundraise amount is met or exceeded.
Front-ends (websites, wallets, etc.) that interact with the CashStarter contracts (specifically, initialize()) can charge the user a 'campaign creation fee' from a minimum of 0.00001 BCH (1000sats) up to a maximum of 0.01 BCH (1,000,000 sats). The claim() function also allows the front-end to charge up to a maximum of 5% of the campaigns raised funds. These provide an anti-spam measure, as well as a financial incentive for websites and apps to provide the front-end interactions to users.
The first implementation is FundMe.Cash which has a campaign creation fee of 0.01 BCH, and a claim() fee of 1.5%.
The BCH is handled by the CashStarter contracts, but the campaign data is hosted outside the blockchain. Currently FundMe.Cash hosts the campaign data itself. Open to ways of sharing this data between apps
- Maximum campaigns: 549,755,813,887
- Maximum BCH you can fundraise: 1,407,374
- Maximum BCH you can pledge: 1,407,374
- Latest campaign ending block: 499,999,999 (year ~11521)