🔭 I’m currently working as a Full-stack developer
💬 I’m working with PHP, Javascript, Flask, MySQL, MongoDB, Docker
🌱 I’m currently learning MongoDB
📄 Most of my GitHub projects are about Python and Data Science
August 2020: Cryptocurrency price history extraction - This project automates the extraction of cryptocurrency price history from Kraken using Kraken's API
November 2020: Cryptocurrency price correlation - This project explains how to compute price correlations between different cryptocurrencies in Python
December 2020: Trading bot algorithm training - Instructions to train and optimize a Python trading bot
December 2020: Kraken trading bot - Instructions to develop and use a Python trading bot with Kraken
July 2021: Binance trading bot - Instructions to develop and use a Python trading bot with Binance
June 2023: Instagram public data parsing - Instructions to parse football club data from Instagram without using Instagram's API
November 2024: Youtube public data parsing - This project aims to extract the view, like and comment counts of Smash Ultimate tournaments to compute statistics and graphs for each character and player