Butane configuration (variant: fcos, version: 1.4.0) for running an SFTP server on Fedora CoreOS. For storage geesefs mounts S3 buckets. (One S3 bucket per user).
Zincati, the agent for Fedora CoreOS auto-updates, is configured to have a maintenance window on Sunday mornings (see butane-files-dir/30-updates-strategy.toml). If there was an update available, the VM will reboot after performing the update. After the reboot the S3 buckets will be emptied by instances of the templated service empty-bucket@.service.
The command-line tools
- butane
- envsubst
- scp
and some way to boot up a Fedora CoreOS computer (or VM) from an Ignition file.
Install butane. For example on macOS
brew install butane
Clone this Git repository
git clone URL
Change directory
cd butane-sftp-geesefs
Set the environment variable
to your public SSH key. The command envsubst will do text replacement and insert your public SSH key into the butane file.export MY_SSH_KEY="ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3Nza..."
Create Ignition file
cat sftp-geesefs.butane | envsubst | butane --pretty --files-dir butane-files-dir --strict > sftp-geesefs.ign
Boot up a Fedora CoreOS from the Ignitition file sftp-geesefs.ign
Copying the user configuration file install-sftp-users.json to the directory /srv/sftp_geesefs/install-sftp-users/trigger/ will trigger an installation. The JSON format is
[ { "s3_endpoint" : "https://s3.example.com", "s3_bucket_name" : "some_bucket1", "aws_access_key_id" : "3R9...", "aws_secret_access_key" : "9Bf...", "user" : "myuser1", "ssh_authorized_keys" : "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EA..." }, { "s3_endpoint" : "https://s3.example.com", "s3_bucket_name" : "some_bucket2", "aws_access_key_id" : "5R2...", "aws_secret_access_key" : "3Be...", "user" : "myuser2", "ssh_authorized_keys" : "ssh-rsa AAAAB3EvL..." } ]
(Multiple users can be installed from the same JSON file).
To copy the file, run a command similar to
scp install-sftp-users.json root@fcos:/srv/sftp_geesefs/install-sftp-users/trigger/
(replace fcos with the IP address or hostname of the installed Fedora CoreOS computer/VM)
sftp myuser1@server
Note, by default the server will empty the S3 buckets after a reboot. To disable automatic emptying of the S3 bucket used by the user myuser1, run
sudo systemctl disable empty-bucket@myuser1.service
Reboots will for instance happen after an update by Zincati. Zincati can be configure by adjusting/adding configuration files under /etc/zincati/config.d/
Note that geesefs is not fully POSIX compliant. See POSIX Compatibility Matrix