Cron realization for Kotlin Multiplatform
- Kotlin Multiplatform library
- Parse Cron expressions
- Include L, W, LW, '?' and #
- Build Cron expression by smart builder functions:
.seconds(10 at 0) //Every 10 seconds starting at 0 seconds
.minutes(5..25) // Every minute between 5 and 25
.hours(5, 12) // Specific hours: 5 and 12
.daysOfWeek(7 on 5) // On the 5th Sunday of the month
.years(2050) // Specific year: 2050
- Build Cron expression via Kotlin style function:
cron {
seconds(10 at 0)//Every 10 seconds starting at 0 seconds
minutes(5..25) // Every minute between 5 and 25
hours(5, 12) // Specific hours: 5 and 12
daysOfWeek(7 on 5) // On the 5th Sunday of the month
years(2050) // Specific year: 2050
- Support custom first week day
val builder = Builder(WeekDays.Sunday)
.daysOfWeek(7 on 5) // On the 5th Saturday of the month
- Parsing validation includes combination rules
- 'days' and 'days of week' could not be setup simultaneously
- Support
- Linux
- Windows (mingwX64)
- macOS
- Javascript
- iOS
- Support different DateTime libraries (via DateTime Provider Abstractions)
KCron-Common library as default implementation uses Kotlinx-DateTime library
Add with Gradle
kotlin {
sourceSets {
commonMain {
dependencies {
implementation 'com.ucasoft.kcron:kcron-common:0.22.2'
Build Cron expression
val builder = Cron.builder()
// By default, builder contains any expression for every part
println(builder.expression) // * * * ? * * *
.seconds(10 at 0)
.hours(5, 12)
.daysOfWeek(7 on 5)
println(builder.expression) // 0/10 5-25 5,12 ? * 7#5 2050
Parse as Classic as well as Modern Cron expressions
// Auto detect
val builder = Cron.parseAndBuild("0/10 5-25 5,12 ? * 7#5 2050") {
it.firstDayOfWeek = WeekDays.Sunday
/* Result:
// OR Force to parse only Classic expressions
try {
val builder = Cron.parseAndBuild("0/10 5-25 5,12 ? * 7#5 2050") {
it.version = Version.Classic
} catch(e: WrongCronExpression) {
println(e.message) // Expression 0/10 5-25 5,12 ? * 7#5 2050 is not Classic Cron one!
Days of week and months can be defined in a parsed expression as numbers as well as short names
builder = Cron.parseAndBuild("15/10 5-25 5 ? JAN,MAR 2,3,4,5 2050")
println(builder.nextRun) // 2050-01-04T05:05:15
// OR
builder = Cron.parseAndBuild("15/10 5-25 5 ? 2-4 MON 2050")
println(builder.nextRun) // 2050-02-07T05:05:15
Easy change any part of expression
val builder = Cron.parseAndBuild("0/10 5-25 5,12 ? * SUN#5 2050")
println(builder.expression) // 0/10 5-25 5,12 ? * SUN#5 2021-2025
This library is on beta version 0.22.2
It is continuing to develop.
Check the news!