Cup Of Sugar is a hyperlocal neighborhood experience that allows users to promote a friendly environment and share free items within their community. Our application allows the user to browse through a list of free items posted by their neighbors & get the items they like as long as those items are available. The users can also create their own posts of free items within their neighborhood.
Table of Contents:
🔧 Technologies Used
⚙️ links to the app
🗣️ Credits/Collaborators
❓ Questions or 💬 Comments
Node / Express Mongoose Database Atlas Passport / Bcrypt / Fastest Validator Multer Cloudinary / Cloudinary-React React / React-Bootstrap Heroku
Application link to github Application link to Heroku
Sally Perez: GitHub:SeattleSal
Bryan Moreno: GitHub:bfourGitHub
Lauren Plenger: GitHub:Laurenb08
Stanislava medigovik: GitHub: smedigo email: