A python script that reads and plots PLT files from TECPLOT in Groundwater Vistas.
pandas version: 1.1.3 or later
matplotlib version: 3.3.1 or later
numpy version: 1.19.2 or later
tqdm version: 4.49.0 or later
As an example I used CLN_TEST.plt file, wich was created with Groundwater Vistas 7 using Plot>Tecplot>Export>Target Hydrograph
Also you have the entire GWV test project here in the MODFLOW_Files
You can find the last MODLOFW-USG with Transport executable here
You can easily read .plt files
and plot all your targets.
In this version, you can customized your plots as you like.
This is just a simple version and I have to set it better in order to make it easier to use.
Assuming that you are using Anaconda, you can run the script from the command lind with:
activate [your environment]
python plt_reader.py
Otherwise try to set python to your path and run the last line.
Please if you want to improve the code feel free to contact me or make a pull request.
email: sebastian.vazquez@ug.uchile.cl