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‘linr’ is used to fit a linear model with high efficiency. It is implemented by algorithm of three matrix decomposition methods, QR decomposition, Cholesky decomposition and the singular value decomposition (SVD).


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linr is used to fit a linear model. In this function, linear regression can be done by three matrix decomposition methods, which are the QR decomposition, Cholesky decomposition and the singular value decomposition (SVD). The defalt fitting method used is the Cholesky decomposition method. All three decomposition methods can fit linear model with high efficiency.


You can install the development version of linr from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")
#> Skipping install of 'linr' from a github remote, the SHA1 (61fcc8a4) has not changed since last install.
#>   Use `force = TRUE` to force installation


To learn the whole usage of linr, you can see vignette("Intro_to_linr", package = "linr") for an overview of the package. Also see vignette("Efficiency_tests", package = "linr" for efficiency testing of linr, which compares output with the stats::lm function.


The following are basic examples which shows you how to fit a linear model with linr You can look at the examples and practice with the whole usage of linr.

First, library ‘linr’ function.


Using linr with defined vector Y (observations) and vector/matrix X (predictions). (Without dataset)

Conducting simple linear regression with linr

You can fit your model like this:

y = rnorm(300)
x = rnorm(300)
model.linr <- linr(y ~ x)

Then you could check many items generated by linr as follows:

model.linr$Call                      # This is how your model looks like
#> linr(formula = y ~ x)
data.frame(model.linr$coefficients,  # Coefficient estimators
           model.linr$std.error,     # Standard error of estimators
           model.linr$T_statistic,   # T statistics of estimators
           model.linr$p_value.T)     # p value for T test 
#>             model.linr.coefficients model.linr.std.error model.linr.T_statistic
#> (Intercept)             -0.02391520           0.05990805             -0.3991985
#> x                        0.03327784           0.05911758              0.5629094
#>             model.linr.p_value.T
#> (Intercept)            0.6900329
#> x                      0.5739198

# Other items also can be checked by 
data.frame(model.linr$MSE,           # Mean square error 
           model.linr$R.square,      # R^2 
           model.linr$Adj.R.square,  # Adjusted R^2 
           model.linr$F_statistic,   # F statistics of estimators
           model.linr$p_value.F)     # p value for F test 
#>   model.linr.MSE model.linr.R.square model.linr.Adj.R.square
#> 1       1.067786         0.001062183            -0.002289958
#>   model.linr.F_statistic model.linr.p_value.F
#> 1               0.316867            0.5739198

# You could also look at the fitted values and residuals like this:
# head(model.linr$fitted.values)       # Look at the first 6 fitted values
# head(model.linr$residuals)           # Look at the first 6 residuals

Conducting multiple linear regression with linr

You can fit your multiple regression model with 3 options of matrix decompositiom methods:

(1). QR decompositiom methods

(2). SVD decompositiom methods

(3). Cholesky decompositiom methods (Default)

Here we first look at the default method:

Y = rnorm(300)
X = matrix(rnorm(6000), nrow = 300, ncol = 20)
model.linr.mul <- linr(Y ~ X, method = "cholesky")
# model.linr.mul <- linr(Y ~ X)                  # This do the same thing

You can use the other two method like this.

# model.linr.mul <- linr(Y ~ X, method = "qr")   # Using QR decomposition
# model.linr.mul <- linr(Y ~ X, method = "svd")  # Using SVD decomposition

Then you could check many items generated by linr as follows:

model.linr.mul$Call                      # This is how your model looks like
#> linr(formula = Y ~ X, method = "cholesky")
data.frame(model.linr.mul$coefficients,  # Coefficient estimators
           model.linr.mul$std.error,     # Standard error of estimators
           model.linr.mul$T_statistic,   # T statistics of estimators
           model.linr.mul$p_value.T)     # p value for T test 
#>             model.linr.mul.coefficients model.linr.mul.std.error
#> (Intercept)                0.0309058167               0.06077744
#> X1                         0.0209145277               0.06116199
#> X2                         0.0854376238               0.06162063
#> X3                         0.0538444130               0.06016107
#> X4                         0.0328247119               0.05751099
#> X5                        -0.0301000687               0.06354595
#> X6                         0.0382620128               0.06172076
#> X7                         0.0341104589               0.06042210
#> X8                         0.0488963187               0.05735986
#> X9                         0.0003243385               0.05921584
#> X10                       -0.0063349299               0.05630479
#> X11                        0.0224374156               0.06418188
#> X12                        0.0056121768               0.05840200
#> X13                        0.0467891426               0.06190284
#> X14                       -0.0726998793               0.06034583
#> X15                        0.0654460858               0.06007482
#> X16                       -0.0022217723               0.06005472
#> X17                        0.0260674615               0.05914002
#> X18                        0.0327618228               0.05487284
#> X19                        0.0014093068               0.06026550
#> X20                       -0.0146655425               0.06222920
#>             model.linr.mul.T_statistic model.linr.mul.p_value.T
#> (Intercept)                0.508508068                0.6114989
#> X1                         0.341953053                0.7326437
#> X2                         1.386510020                0.1666981
#> X3                         0.895004232                0.3715563
#> X4                         0.570755427                0.5686248
#> X5                        -0.473674041                0.6361028
#> X6                         0.619921292                0.5358156
#> X7                         0.564536129                0.5728429
#> X8                         0.852448348                0.3946965
#> X9                         0.005477225                0.9956337
#> X10                       -0.112511378                0.9104989
#> X11                        0.349591109                0.7269093
#> X12                        0.096095628                0.9235136
#> X13                        0.755848044                0.4503780
#> X14                       -1.204720840                0.2293320
#> X15                        1.089409615                0.2769134
#> X16                       -0.036995801                0.9705148
#> X17                        0.440775292                0.6597170
#> X18                        0.597049847                0.5509583
#> X19                        0.023384969                0.9813599
#> X20                       -0.235669795                0.8138618

# Other items also can be checked by 
head(data.frame(model.linr.mul$MSE,           # Mean square error 
           model.linr.mul$R.square,      # R^2 
           model.linr.mul$Adj.R.square,  # Adjusted R^2 
           model.linr.mul$F_statistic,   # F statistics of estimators
           model.linr.mul$p_value.F))    # p value for F test 
#>   model.linr.mul.MSE model.linr.mul.R.square model.linr.mul.Adj.R.square
#> 1           1.009784              0.03345579                 -0.03583053
#>   model.linr.mul.F_statistic model.linr.mul.p_value.F
#> 1                  0.4828628                   0.9717

# You could also look at the fitted values and residuals like this:
# head(model.linr.mul$fitted.values)       # Look at the first 6 fitted values
# head(model.linr.mul$residuals)           # Look at the first 6 residuals

Using linr with regression formula and your own dataset

Conducting simple linear regression with linr on your data

# Here we use the R build-in dataset cars as an example:
# fit a linear model with dist as outcome and speed as predictor <- linr(dist ~ speed, data = cars) 

Then you could check items generated by linr as follows:$Call                      # This is how your model looks like
#> linr(formula = dist ~ speed, data = cars)
data.frame($coefficients,  # Coefficient estimators
 $std.error,     # Standard error of estimators
 $T_statistic,   # T statistics of estimators
 $p_value.T)     # p value for T test 
#> (Intercept)                   -17.579095                 6.7584402
#> speed                           3.932409                 0.4155128
#> (Intercept)                   -2.601058              1.231882e-02
#> speed                          9.463990              1.489836e-12

# Other items also can be checked by 
data.frame($MSE,           # Mean square error 
 $R.square,      # R^2 
 $Adj.R.square,  # Adjusted R^2 
 $F_statistic,   # F statistics of estimators
 $p_value.F)     # p value for F test 
#> 1            236.5317                0.6510794                    0.6438102
#> 1                    89.56711              1.489836e-12

# You could also look at the fitted values and residuals like this:
# head($fitted.values)       # Look at the first 6 fitted values
# head($residuals)           # Look at the first 6 residuals

Conducting multiple linear regression with linr on your data

# Here we use the R build-in dataset mtcars as an example:
# fit a linear model with disp as outcome and mpg, wt, carb as predictors
model.linr.mtcars <- linr(disp ~ mpg + wt + carb, data = mtcars)

Then you could check items generated by linr as follows:

model.linr.mtcars$Call                      # This is how your model looks like
#> linr(formula = disp ~ mpg + wt + carb, data = mtcars)
data.frame(model.linr.mtcars$coefficients,  # Coefficient estimators
           model.linr.mtcars$std.error,     # Standard error of estimators
           model.linr.mtcars$T_statistic,   # T statistics of estimators
           model.linr.mtcars$p_value.T)     # p value for T test 
#>             model.linr.mtcars.coefficients model.linr.mtcars.std.error
#> (Intercept)                     143.670967                  142.740385
#> mpg                              -7.304425                    3.669182
#> wt                               76.663396                   20.865454
#> carb                             -4.566736                    7.529811
#>             model.linr.mtcars.T_statistic model.linr.mtcars.p_value.T
#> (Intercept)                     1.0065194                0.3227853099
#> mpg                            -1.9907502                0.0563492712
#> wt                              3.6741782                0.0009992845
#> carb                           -0.6064875                0.5490772554

# Other items also can be checked by 
data.frame(model.linr.mtcars$MSE,           # Mean square error 
           model.linr.mtcars$R.square,      # R^2 
           model.linr.mtcars$Adj.R.square,  # Adjusted R^2 
           model.linr.mtcars$F_statistic,   # F statistics of estimators
           model.linr.mtcars$p_value.F)     # p value for F test 
#>   model.linr.mtcars.MSE model.linr.mtcars.R.square
#> 1              3146.542                  0.8149811
#>   model.linr.mtcars.Adj.R.square model.linr.mtcars.F_statistic
#> 1                      0.7951576                      41.11196
#>   model.linr.mtcars.p_value.F
#> 1                2.171366e-10

# You could also look at the fitted values and residuals like this:
# head(model.linr.mtcars$fitted.values)       # Look at the first 6 fitted values
# head(model.linr.mtcars$residuals)           # Look at the first 6 residuals

Useful links:


‘linr’ is used to fit a linear model with high efficiency. It is implemented by algorithm of three matrix decomposition methods, QR decomposition, Cholesky decomposition and the singular value decomposition (SVD).




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