- vidly store is API service that let customer to rent avaiable movie in store.
- When customer return the movie these API will calculate the rental fee according to days movie has been out multipled by dailyRentalRate.
- admins can register with POST request to /api/users
- get valid JWT token that will require in #crusual action like adding or deleting.
- Nodejs v14.6 -> JavaScript runtime environment
- Express v4.16.2 -> build API
- Mongoose v5.0.2 to manipluate with MongoDB.
- Winstone v2.4
- Winstone-mongodb v3.0
- For testing I've used Jest v29.5.
- To simulate the Request client used Supertest v3.0.
Supported Method Required Token Support Id Paramter
- GET *
- POST *
- PUT * * *
- DELETE * * *
Supported Method Required Token Support Id Paramter
- GET *
- POST * *
- PUT * * *
- DELETE * * *
Supported Method Required Token Support Id Paramter
- GET *
- POST *
- PUT * * *
- DELETE * * *
Supported Method Required Token Support Id Paramter
- GET *
- POST *
- PUT * * *
- DELETE * * *
Supported Method Required Token Support Id Paramter
- GET *
- POST * *
- PUT * * *
- DELETE * * *
Supported Method Required Token Support Id Paramter
- GET *
- POST * *
- PUT * * *
- DELETE * * *