Transfer images to the T-Display S3 wirelessly, Cross compatible with both T-Display-S3 LCD and AMOLED. Integrated on-screen menu allows loading and saving up to 255 transfered images to the on board flash!
Windows - Visual Studio Code - Python
Clone Repo
- T-Display-S3 LCD:
- OR
- T-Display-S3 AMOLED:
Open in VSCode
- Open the repo in Visual Studio Code
Click on the extensions tab in the left column → search platformIO → install the first plug-in
Click Platforms → Embedded → Search Espressif 32 in the input box → Select the corresponding firmware installation
Add WebSockets Library
- In VSCode, Open the PIO Home (The home button bottom left of VSCode window)
- Go to the Libraries tab
- Search "WebSockets"
- The correct library to add is "WebSockets by Markus Sattler". Tested with version 2.4.1, Latest version should work.
Add Code
- Return to the Exporer tab in VSCode in the left column
- Expand the "examples" folder
- Create a new folder, name it something like "WebSocketClient"
- Create a new file in that folder, name it something like "WebSocketClient.cpp"
- Expand the "lvgl_demo" folder (AMOLED) or expand the "lv_demos" folder (LCD)
- (AMOLED ONLY) Copy pins_config.h rm67162.cpp and rm67162.h into to the new folder you created
- (LCD ONLY) Copy pin_config.h into the new folder you created
- Open the new .cpp file you created, it should be empty
- Copy the code from "WebSocketClient.cpp" located in this repo into the file you created.
Modify Code for your Platform
- open the .cpp file you created and copied code into
- (AMOLED ONLY) the first line of the file should be #define PLATFORM_LCDA
- (LCD ONLY) the first line of the file should be #define PLATFORM_LCD
Modify platformio.ini
- In the Explorer tab in VSCode open the platformio.ini file
- (AMOLED ONLY) change src_dir to use the name of the folder you created earlier
- (LCD ONLY) change default_envs to use the name of the folder you created earlier
You can now build and upload the project to your T-Display-S3
- be sure to change the ip address in the cpp file to the ip address of your local computer you will be runing the python server on!
- Be sure to change the wifi SSID and Password in the cpp file
Install Python 3.11 or greater from
Install Dependencies
- open a cmd window and run the following:
pip install websockets websocket-client requests pillow
Run server and client
- Run the file and note the ip address it shows
- Open the file in a text editor and change the local_ip variable to the one displayed in the console
- Run the file, in the console you should see a new connection as "MAIN"
- Type into the console "list sessions" to list all connections to the server
Basic Usage
- On the T-Display press the top button to open the menu, use the other button to cycle between options
- In the console type "url " or "image " (be sure the file is in same directory)
- On the T-Display, in the Menu, under Files, you can save and load images to the Flash memory, Use "Write Flash" to save the currently displayed image to flash memory
- You can store up to 255 images on the flash memory, maybe more if you modify the code.
Modify WebSockets Library
- In VSCode Explorer expand the ".pio" folder → expand "libdeps" → expand "T-Display" → expand WebSockets → Open WebSockets.h
- Change WEBSOCKETS_MAX_DATA_SIZE (15 * 1024) → WEBSOCKETS_MAX_DATA_SIZE (64 * 1024) under ESP32
- Open in a text editor
- Change max_frame_size = 1024*15 → max_frame_size = 1024*64