- Developed the frontend part of the NxtWatch an
clone application. - This application allows users to log in, search, view sort videos by category , like,dislike, save video to save list.
- Concepts such as authentication, state management, context, page navigation, media queries and flexbox concepts in the code by following the clean code guidelines.
- Implemented a basic authentication flow and handled common errors such as invalid username and invalid password.
- Used cookies to persist user credentials across page reloads.
Cross browser compatibility
(Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari).
State management
,Protected Route
- Context for state management for creating a global state to manage cart state across routes.Used React Router for navigation within the application.
- Additionally, implemented protected routes to control access based on user roles.`
Keywords: API Integration
- Integrated mock APIs for displaying data
Clean code guidelines
- Followed clean code guidelines by maintaining a consistent folder structure and used meaningful naming conventions, such as
event handlers withon
and creatingreusable
components throughout the application.
To ensure a responsive design, usedmedia queries
for layouting.
- Download dependencies by running
npm install
- Start up the app using
npm start
Login Route
Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px) - Login - Light Theme
Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px) - Login - Dark Theme
Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px) - Login Failure - Light Theme
Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px) - Login Failure - Dark Theme
Medium (Size >= 768px), Large (Size >= 992px) and Extra Large (Size >= 1200px) - Login - Light Theme
Medium (Size >= 768px), Large (Size >= 992px) and Extra Large (Size >= 1200px) - Login - Dark Theme
Success View
Failure View
Home Route
Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px) - Home - No search results - Light Theme
Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px) - Home - No search results - Dark theme
Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px) - Home Failure - Light Theme
Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px) - Home Failure - Dark Theme
Medium (Size >= 768px), Large (Size >= 992px) and Extra Large (Size >= 1200px) - Home - Light Theme
Medium (Size >= 768px), Large (Size >= 992px) and Extra Large (Size >= 1200px) - Home - Dark Theme
Trending Route
Gaming Route
Video Item Details Route
Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px) - VideoItemDetails - Light Theme
Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px) - VideoItemDetails - Dark Theme
Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px) - VideoItemDetails Failure - Light Theme
Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px) - VideoItemDetails Failure - Dark Theme
SavedVideos Route
Popup Design Files
Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px) - Logout Popup - Light Theme
Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px) - Logout Popup - Dark Theme
Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px) - Menu - Light Theme
Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px) - Menu - Dark Theme
Not Found Route
Login Route
- When a invalid username and password are provided and the Login button is clicked, then the respective error message received from the response is displayed
- When a valid username and password are provided and the Login button is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Home route
- When an unauthenticated user, tries to access the
, then the page is navigated to Login route - When an authenticated user, tries to access the
, then the page is navigated to the respective route - When an authenticated user tries to access the
, then the page is navigated to the Home route - When show password checkbox is checked, then the password is shown
- When show password checkbox is unchecked, then the password is masked
Home Route
- When an authenticated user opens the Home Route,
- An HTTP GET request is made to homeVideosApiUrl with query parameter as
and its initial value as empty string- Loader is displayed while the HTTP request is fetching the data
- After the data is fetched successfully, display the list of videos received in the response
- If the HTTP GET request made is unsuccessful, then the Failure view is displayed
- When the Retry button is clicked, an HTTP GET request is made to homeVideosApiUrl
- When a non-empty value is provided in the Search Input and button with search icon is clicked
- Make an HTTP GET request to the homeVideosApiUrl with
in the Cookies and query parametersearch
with value as the text provided in the Search Input - Loader is displayed while the HTTP request is fetching the data
- After the data is fetched successfully, display the list of videos received in the response
- Make an HTTP GET request to the homeVideosApiUrl with
- When the HTTP GET request made to the homeVideosApiUrl returns an empty list for videos then No Videos View is displayed
- An HTTP GET request is made to homeVideosApiUrl with query parameter as
- When the website logo image is clicked, the page is navigated to the Home route
- When a Video is clicked, the page is navigated to the Video Item Details route
- Clicks on the Trending link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Trending route
- Clicks on the Gaming link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Gaming route
- Clicks on the Saved Videos link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the SavedVideos route
- When an authenticated user opens the Home Route,
Trending Route
- When an authenticated user opens the Trending Route,
- An HTTP GET request is made to trendingVideosApiUrl
- Loader is displayed while the HTTP request is fetching the data
- After the data is fetched successfully, display the list of videos received in the response
- If the HTTP GET request made is unsuccessful, then the Failure view is displayed
- When the Retry button is clicked, an HTTP GET request is made to trendingVideosApiUrl
- An HTTP GET request is made to trendingVideosApiUrl
- When the website logo image is clicked, the page is navigated to the Home route
- When a Video is clicked, the page is navigated to the Video Item Details route
- Clicks on the Home link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Home route
- Clicks on the Gaming link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Gaming route
- Clicks on the Saved Videos link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the SavedVideos route
- When an authenticated user opens the Trending Route,
Gaming Route
- When an authenticated user opens the Gaming Route,
- An HTTP GET request is made to gamingVideosApiUrl
- Loader is displayed while the HTTP request is fetching the data
- After the data is fetched successfully, display the list of videos received in the response
- If the HTTP GET request made is unsuccessful, then the Failure view is displayed
- When the Retry button is clicked, an HTTP GET request is made to gamingVideosApiUrl
- An HTTP GET request is made to gamingVideosApiUrl
- When the website logo image is clicked, the page is navigated to the Home route
- When a Video is clicked, the page is navigated to the Video Item Details route
- Clicks on the Home link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Home route
- Clicks on the Trending link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Trending route
- Clicks on the Saved Videos link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the SavedVideos route
- When an authenticated user opens the Gaming Route,
Video Item Details Route
When an authenticated user opens the Video Item Details route
- An HTTP GET request is made to videoItemDetailsApiUrl with
in the Cookies andvideo_id
as path parameter- loader is displayed while the HTTP request is fetching the data
- After the HTTP request is successful, the response received is displayed
- If the HTTP GET request made is unsuccessful, then the Failure view is displayed
- When the Retry button is clicked, an HTTP GET request is made to videoItemDetailsApiUrl
- An HTTP GET request is made to videoItemDetailsApiUrl with
Corresponding video is displayed using
package -
Initially, all the three buttons (Like, Dislike, Save) will be inactive
When the Like button is clicked,
- It will change to an active state
- If the Dislike button is already in the active state, then the Dislike button needs to be changed to the inactive state
When the Dislike button is clicked,
- It will change to an active state
- If the Like button is already in the active state, then the Like button needs to be changed to the inactive state
When the Save button is clicked
- The button will change to an active state and the respective video details is added to the list of saved videos
- Save button text will be changed to Saved
When the Saved button is clicked
- The button will change to an inactive state and the respective video details will be removed from the list of saved videos
- Saved button text will be changed to Save
SavedVideos Route
- When an authenticated user opens the SavedVideos Route,
- If the list of saved videos is empty, then No Saved Videos Found View is displayed
- The Videos in the list of saved videos is displayed as a list of videos
- When the website logo image is clicked, the page is navigated to the Home route
- When a Video is clicked, the page is navigated to the Video Item Details route
- Clicks on the Home link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Home route
- Clicks on the Trending link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Trending route
- Clicks on the Gaming link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Gaming route
- When an authenticated user opens the SavedVideos Route,
Not Found Route
- When a random path is provided in the URL then the page navigates to the Not Found route
When the theme button in the header is clicked, then the theme is changed accordingly
- When the Logout button in the header is clicked, then the Logout Popup is displayed
- When Cancel button is clicked, then the popup is closed and the page is not navigated
- When Confirm button is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Login route
- When the Logout button in the header is clicked, then the Logout Popup is displayed
API Requests & Responses
User credentials
username: rahul password: rahul@2021