This is an out-of-date implementation of SLIP-0039 for Shamir's Secret Sharing. For up to date implementations see the official SLIP page.
go get
go build
go-slip-0039 -h
# create 3 total secret shares, where 2 shares are needed to recreate the master secret "ff" in hexadecimal format
go-slip-0039 create -n 3 -k 2 --secrethex ff
# recover a master secret of size 8 in bits. Optionally add 'protected' to hide share words in console. Optionally add 'passphrase' to add a pass phrase to the auto generated seed output
go-slip-0039 recover --size 8 --protected --passphrase phrase
- User inputs custom Secret
- Get PMS from Secret, passphrase, identifier, and threshold
- PMS = MSDF-1(S, P, id, T)
- key = PBKDF2(passphrase, salt)
- PMS = decrypt(key, S) // how would this work?
- PMS = MSDF-1(S, P, id, T)
- Shares created and distributed from PMS
- User inputs necessary shares
- Recover PMS from shares
- Recover Secret from PMS
- S = MSDF(PMS, P, id, T)
- key = PBKDF2(passphrase, salt)
- S = encrypt(key, PMS)
- S = MSDF(PMS, P, id, T)
- confusion with string concatentaiton operator #497
- curve.png f(0) points to Master secret when in the explanation it points to pre-master secret #501
- lacks a simple high level overview of the exact steps to create and recover shares
- Notation table lacks detail
is unclear- need a better explanation of pre-master secret and master secret
- perhaps more clear naming
- unclear of different processes when generating master secret vs providing own master secret
- If a user provides a Master Secret, how does one compute the PMS?
- Under the key derivation section, for recovery, the Secret is the encryption of the PMS
- Is the MSDF-1(inverse) function under the create shares process somehow a decryption?
- S = MSDF(PMS, P, id, T)
- key = PBKDF2(passphrase, salt)
- S = encrypt(key, PMS)
- PMS = MSDF-1(S, P, id, T) // what is this function?
- key = PBKDF2(passphrase, salt)
- PMS = decrypt(key, S) // how would this work?
- If a secret is provided at share creation, how is it derived from the PMS at share recovery through encryption, when the PMS is derived from the secret at creation? (confusing)
- I may just be unclear on two different share creation processes here. One process where a Master Secret is generated for the user, and another process where a user provides his own Master Secret. But I think it would help to clear these up and show the full steps for both.
- Under the key derivation section, for recovery, the Secret is the encryption of the PMS