Shizen, aka Shin is a full stack developer and free lance computer consultant (as in software developer--not sure when that terminology got conflated) living in Seattle, WA (USA).
I have not historically been much of a "blogger", per se. These entries here are more sort of an experiment on my part with the capabilities of github/Github Pages
, which I find interesting for their similarities to my own sites
{% for post in site.posts %}
- {{ post.title }} {{ post.excerpt }} {% endfor %}
(The following notes are really for myself, but if they prove useful to you... Enjoy! You might find my [introduction to Github Pages]({{ site.baseurl }}{% post_url 2018-10-16-GitHub-Pages %}) article more edifying)
This is the landing page on github for making sites dedicated/related to or describing a project, or in this case a user (me). The overall system is called GitHub Pages
. So this page should be all about me ™️... As I relate to github. or something.
GitHub Pages
uses jekyll
as its "static site constructor" which in turn uses liquid
to do some limited dynamic content. Since github claims jekyll
does no server-side anything (seems likely as a design constraint), one presumes Liquid is entirely client-side scripting. The system is similar in design to sites
(less many features, plus many users ;).
It seems to take 1+ minutes for the associated page to update. The documentation implies there's some compilation going on, although thus far I haven't encountered any particularly description thereof. I'd assume it's basic caching/depoyment delay. GFM does not provide any toc afaik, and neither does Jekyll, although it's conceivable that some liquid shim might be able to manage it, along with a custom style sheet or layout. Also note that while Jekyll allows for tag filter plugins, these will not run on GitHub Pages. See the --safe
option documentation (which is the option GitHub Pages is leveraging to disable plugins).
(Wouldn't it be nice to have a nice fieldset tag? Shinmark does... sigh; Of course, GFM allows embedded HTML)
((of course, the styling of this theme overrides the default fieldset look anyway))
Blog Tests:-
{% for post in site.posts %}
- {{ post.title }} {{ post.excerpt }} {% endfor %}
{% for category in site.categories %}
{% for post in category[1] %}
- {{ post.title }} {% endfor %}
- : {% for category in site.categories %}
- {{ category[0] }} : {% endfor %}
I don't think I can do any clever webAPI/REST type tricks in github pages as I don't have any control over routes, but I haven't looked. The alternative would be to have hard coded pages for each category. I really not feeling like this is worth investing time in :).