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Releases: SistemaRayoXP/Virtual-Mac

Scaremonger 0.5.2

28 Dec 17:39
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Scaremonger 0.5.2 Pre-release

Finally, one release which I can say works for something, even if it's really bad.

This release has an editor for the Basilisk II config file. To use it, you must have already a Basilisk II config file

  1. Open the "New Mac Wizard"
  2. Select "Add from file" and follow the instructions on screen (Remember to set the emulator type to Basilisk, others won't work right)
  3. Once it's added to the console, select the item with the name you set in the Mac Wizard and click on "Settings"
    There will be an editor with your prefs loaded. Note: changing those items will do nothing, to edit you should go to the "Edit Manually Config File" tab, which has a list with the items to edit. Double click any item to edit it.

Note that you can only edit, not add (Sorry, will add function "Add line" in 0.6.1)

Also, the SheepShaver config editor is also broken, but will be ready in 0.6.1, along with the QEMU config editor partially working/working right

The icons still cannot be changed, will be fixed in 0.6.1

Itcher 0.5.1

21 Aug 06:30
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Itcher 0.5.1 Pre-release

Note! I updated the code (again) to VS2008, so it will not work in VS2005

Also, I decided to "downgrade" the versions to 0.5.1, since I have made no real advances and the 0.5.1 version doesn't exists.

The early name I thought was Luncher, but it sounds weird. Now you can launch Mini vMac, SheepShaver, Basilisk and QEMU throught the Console, just create a Mac and click on "Start". It will start the desired emulator for the desired Mac. Note:

Mac OS 0-6 = Mini vMac
Mac OS 7 = BasiliskII
Mac OS 8-9 = SheepShaver

Also I want to let you know that in order to boot a machine you have to place Virtual Mac into the emulator folder and with any of these names (The name is emulator-specific):

ppc.exe (For PearPC, as ppc also means PowerPC and the emulator with this name could be any)

For now I'm working at the machine configuration editor(equivalent to the [ugly] BII/SheepShaver Windows preferences editor), so you can't really boot a machine unless you have a preinstalled OS on a HD (To change the default hd, go to the New Mac Wizard and select the 2° option, you'll go step-by-step)

Note 2:
The way this app launches SheepShaver deletes the prefs file in the folder SheepShaver is located. Save your prefs file in a safe place since any file that was before will be deleted by a dummy/useless prefs file

Icons 0.4.1

24 Mar 17:16
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Icons 0.4.1 Pre-release

-Added ability to use icons and to change them from the Individual Machine Settings
-You can add custom icons to the machine list
-Now you can change the name of the machine after you made it
-New Machine list (Works on XP and beyond, in 2000 it will show large icons view)

Beta 0.3.1 (Still shows version 0.2.2)

13 Mar 19:20
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-Added a nice icon in the tray to perform same actions as the Console
-Modified Macintosh individual configuration dialog
-Modified "General options" dialog

Attention! Now Visual Sutdio 2005 is required to use this source code

Virtual Mac.NET 0.3.0

27 Dec 04:56
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Virtual Mac.NET 0.3.0 Pre-release

First release with .NET code (VS2005)

Beta 0.2 Revision 2

23 Feb 19:39
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Beta 0.2 Revision 2 Pre-release

Finally, the scroll bar works as expected.
I've just started the development of VirtualMac Emulation Engine. This means, the new emulation engine to support System Software 0-6 and Mac OS 7 to 9 in one emulator (This engine will be multiplataform)

Thanks to ArtiomWin for the idea

-Scroll bar now works

Beta 0.2.1

22 Feb 18:01
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Beta 0.2.1 Pre-release

FInally got the Virtual Machine list working!

-Loading Bar changed to look a bit more "Mac Classic" Style
-Virtual Machine list works
-Remove function working too
-Added a picture for the about box
-Now when you make a Machine with the New Mac Wizard, it's automatically added to the Virtual Machine List
-Can't see more than 3 VMs at the time (Scroll bar doesn't work)(Will be fixed in revision 2)

The app is "Manifest ready", that means, incrust it a manifest with ResourceHacker and it will have the Windows Themes enabled

Beta 0.1.2

22 Feb 17:53
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Beta 0.1.2 Pre-release

A little attempt to make the Virtual Machine List to a more Virtual PC Style

-"Remove" function not working
-New Mac Wizard will not add any machine
-About box a bit more complete
-Nothing to see here folks

Remember to use in compatibility in x64 systems. Required the ActiveX contorls (Provided up)

However the good comes in 0.2.1!

Stay in touch! ;-)

Beta 0.1.1

22 Feb 17:38
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Beta 0.1.1 Pre-release

VirtualMac 0.1.1
Application Compiled

-Virtual Machine List
-New Macintosh Wizard
-New Disk Wizard (Still unfinished)
-About Box (Incomplete)
-Option Box (General options)(Incomplete)

Note! In order to compile and run you need Visual Basic 6 and the provided ActiveX controls

Note 2: To run this app in Windows 10 x64 (And in any 64 system), run it in XP SP3 compatibility mode