- Git: https://github.com/SixArm/sixarm_ruby_uspto
- Doc: http://sixarm.com/sixarm_ruby_uspto/doc
- Gem: https://rubygems.org/gems/sixarm_ruby_uspto
- Contact: Joel Parker Henderson, joel@sixarm.com
- Project: changes, license, contributing.
Provides a "Patent" class for working with USPTO Gazette XML.
See USPTO Bulk Downloads: Patent Grant Full Text:
For docs go to http://sixarm.com/sixarm_ruby_uspto/doc
To install this gem in your shell or terminal:
gem install sixarm_ruby_uspto
To add this gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'sixarm_ruby_uspto'
To require the gem in your code:
require 'sixarm_ruby_uspto'
require "sixarm_ruby_uspto"
require "nokogiri"
text = File.read("patent.xml")
doc = Nokogiri.XML(text)
patent = Patent.new(:doc => doc)
patent.id #=> "US1234"
patent.date #=> "20120101"
patent.claims #=> XML element of claim items