Generalized contrastive PCA is a new dimensionality reduction method. It is a hyperparameter-free method for comparing high-dimensional datasets collected under different experimental conditions to reveal low-dimensional patterns enriched in one condition compared to the other. Unlike traditional dimensionality reduction methods like PCA, which work on a single condition, gcPCA allows for a direct comparison between conditions.
This open-source toolbox includes implementations of gcPCA in both Python and MATLAB, with variants designed for different data types. It provides a straightforward, fast, and reliable way to compare conditions.
- Hyperparameter-free: No manual tuning required.
- Symmetric comparison: Both conditions are treated equally.
- Sparse solutions: Reduce the complexity of the results for better interpretation.
- Multiple implementations: Available in both Python and MATLAB.
You can find more details in the preprint at bioRxiv
- Install conda in your machine
- Download this repository
- On a conda terminal pointed to your copy of this repository, run the following command:
- conda env create -f environment.yml
If you have an environment you want to use with gcPCA, you can just refer to the class gcPCA in the file
, at this version the only dependencies are: warnings, numpy, scipy, and time.
To import the class and initialize the model:
from contrastive_methods import gcPCA
gcPCA_model = gcPCA(method='v4',normalize_flag=True)
Methods can be 'vn.1' or just 'vn', where n can vary from 1 to 4. Versions ending in .1 will return orthogonal dimensions. 'v4.1' corresponds to the (A-B)/(A+B) objective function, for the other versions please check for more information in the preprint in bioRxiv
normalize_flag will signal the function to normalize your data or not, in case you have a custom normalization you prefer to use, set this variable to False. Otherwise, the code will z-score and normalize the data by their respective l2-norm.
Fitting the model:,Rb)
Ra (ma x p) and Rb (mb x p) are matrices of each experimental condition (A and B), with rows as samples (sizes ma and mb, respectively), and p features that are the same across the experimental conditions (neurons/channel/RNA etc)
The model will have the following outputs:
: gcPCs loadings. A matrix with loadings in the rows and
gcPCs on the columns, ordered by their objective value.
: The objective value of the gcPCA model. It is an
array with the gcPCA objective value for each gcPC.
: Ra dataset scores on the gcPCs, A matrix ma x k, with k
being the number of gcPCs, ordered by the values in gcPCA_values_
: Rb dataset scores on the gcPCs, A matrix mb x k, with k
being the number of gcPCs, ordered by the values in gcPCA_values_
MATLAB does not require conda environment installation. The file can be found in matlab/gcPCA
You can fit the model by running the following command:
[B, S, X] = gcPCA(Ra, Rb, gcPCAversion)
Ra and Rb are the same matrices presented in the python version. The variable gcPCAversion can take numerical input that varies from 1 to 4, versions that end in .1 will return orthogonal gcPCs.
More info on the output files can be found in help gcPCA
If gcPCA is useful in your work, we kindly request that you cite:
Eliezyer F. de Oliveira, Pranjal Garg, Jens Hjerling-Leffler, Renata Batista-Brito, and Lucas Sjulson. (2025). Identifying patterns differing between high-dimensional datasets with generalized contrastive PCA. bioRxiv
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open a GitHub issue. You can also reach out to the first and last authors of the gcPCA manuscript. If you find this project helpful, consider supporting us by clicking the “⭐ Star” button at the top right of the repository.