AutoModerator, bots, and CSS for /r/FortniteBR and the family of subreddits.
- The CSS for /r/FortniteBR. All other subreddits (/r/Fortnite, /r/FortniteCreative, /r/FortniteMobile, etc.) are recolored derivatives of this file with slight differences on a subreddit-to-subreddit basis. You can find the latest revision of the CSS here.
- The YAML that makes up the AutoModerator config for /r/FortniteBR. This is heavily modified on /r/Fortnite, mostly the same on /r/FortniteMobile, and slightly modified on /r/FortniteCreative.
- The Discord bot used to monitor /r/FortniteBRMeta to get near real-time notifications when a user created a new thread in the meta subreddit.
TiltedTowersBot - The bot used on /r/FortniteBR to automatically take down posts that haven't been flaired within 30 minutes of being posted. Written in Python 3.x, co-authored by SirPacker. This is the code that now runs /u/NoSkinBot.