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Security: SnarpleDev/Snazzle

Security Policy

Supported Versions

Our current version support policy aims to maintain the latest application and web versions while ensuring financial sustainability. We support older versions until 85% of active users migrate to the new version. After this threshold, the old version will be deprecated and cease to function.

Internal minor updates to the application or web app will be automatically applied during launch. Major updates to the application will require a fresh installation of the new version and will only be available for current versions. Experimental versions will be immediately deprecated upon the release of a stable version.

Please note that Snazzle, Snarple, members of the Snarple team, and any affiliates are not liable for any damage or failure to property resulting from the use or misuse of our software.

Reporting a Vulnerability

Do not report vulnerabilities in public GitHub issues.

Please report vulnerabilities through the GitHub security panel by navigating to the Advisories section. We will respond to your report within 24 hours.

Preferred Language

We recommend using English to report vulnerabilities. If necessary, please use a translation service to convert your report from your preferred language to English.

There aren’t any published security advisories